April 2015

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Password : anthzoblog

Cara Instal :
1. Matikan Antivirus terlebih dahulu, karena pada Avast Premier terdeteksi adanya virus
2. Seteleh didownload langsung buka MATLAB 5.3.1.rar
3. Klik IS.EXE
4. Ada notice klik Next → Yes
5. Maka akan keluar gambar seperti ini
6. Nama dan Company isi terserah/kosongkan jika bisa/spasi saja
7. Kemudian Buka SERIAL.TXT pada MATLAB 5.3.1.rar dan copas kodenya ke bagian "ISI DENGAN SERIAL" pada gambar di atas → Next → Next → Tunggu sampai proses selesai
8. Jika ada notice klik OK saja
9. Restart dan jika pada avast terdeteksi maka ignore saja jadi jangan di delete.
10. Buka MATLAB 5.3.EXE.

Rekomendasi Bacaan:
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Cara Pasang GWarnet Menggunakan VirtNet - AnthzoBlog. Step by step sudah benar tapi masih gk aktif gwarnetnya? Padahal sudah pakai key dan mac yang terupdate? Solusinya coba pakai cara ini, yaitu dengan menggunakan VirNet.
Bahan-bahan :
Cara Pasang GWarnet Menggunakan VirtNet :
1. Setelah didownload kemudian ekstrak kulit manggisnya
2. Start > Run > ketikan "hdwwiz" nanti bakal muncul gambar seperti ini :
3. Next aja terus sampai ada gambar berikut :
4. Disitu masukkan "netVirtNet" nya (amd64 untuk windows 64bit, sedangkan i386 untuk windows 32bit)
5. Klik OK dan terus saja sampai beres
6. Lanjutkan klik kanan pada keterangan koneksi (lihat gambar)
7. Kemudian ganti MAC pada Local Are Connection yang baru/yang barusan dibuat oleh VirNet
8. Cara gantinya bisa dilihat pada postingan Cara Pasang GWarnet di Rumah Windows 7, 8, 8.1

Semoga bermanfaat, jangan lupa komentarnya :p

Himbauan kepada pemilik mobil, hati-hati jika parkir di pusat keramaian seperti di mal, tempat umum, pasar atau tempat hiburan. Ketika sudah ke luar dari kendaraan, ternyata pintu tidak bisa dikunci dengan remote. Sekedar mengingatkan, itu bukan berarti baterai di remote sudah lemah. Lantas, jangan menggunakan kunci kontak untuk mengunci pintu. Mobil sudah terkena "radio jamming" dari kendaraan lain yang berada tidak jauh dari kendaraan Anda.

Kenjadian ini pernah dialami, kawan saya di Rest Area Tol Jagorawi, beberapa waktu lalu. Saat ingin meninggalkan mobil, pintu tidak bisa dikunci dengan remote. Karena terburu-buru akhirnya menggunakan kunci kontak untuk mengunci pintunya. Alangkah kaget ketika ia balik ke mobil. Pintu sudah tidak terkunci dan laptop yang teronggok di jok belakang raib. Setelah diteliti, rupanya lubang kunci pintu sudah dijebol dengan kunci T. Termasuk rumah kunci kontak, tapi mobil tidak dibawa kabur mungkin ramainya orang di sekitar. Lantas, apa hubungannya dengan "radio jamming"? Alatnya disebut "Radio Jammer" yang didesain untuk mengacaukan sinyal, sehingga gelombang ultra sonic yang keluar tidak sempurna.

Di negara totaliter, Radio Jammer dipakai untuk mengganggu frekuensi radio, terutama radio asing, sehingga suaranya tidak keluar. Kini, Radio Jammer dimanfaatkan untuk menyikat mobil, atau minimal mengambil barang di dalam. Dengan alat ini, sistem alarm dan central lock mobil akan lumpuh. Jadi kesimpulannya: kalau pintu tidak bisa dikunci dengan remote control sebaiknya kita membatalkan parkir di are itu. Pindah tempat yang agak jauh dari jangkauan radio jammer itu. (Mobil.otomotifnet.com) - Semoga bermanfaat.

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Understanding Twitter
Most people know that Twitter is a micro-blogging network of real-time posts that are limited to 140 characters or less, but few people understand how they might benefit from Twitter. The truth is that Twitter is used by many people for many different things. So what is Twitter, and why should you care?

Watch the video to get a better idea of what Twitter is all about.

Twitter's evolution
Today's Twitter is now less focused on “What are you doing?” and more about “What’s going on?” It has emerged as a source for discovery, with a focus on sharing relevant information and engaging in conversation. Many people now think of Twitter as a news source rather than a social network, using it for networking and discussion based on their own interests.
Since launching in 2006, Twitter has seen incredible growth as more people have discovered its usefulness. According to a survey from the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, 19% of online adults use Twitter (up from 8% in 2010), and that percentage grows to 35% among online adults aged 18-29. There are always new people joining Twitter, so there's always a lot of interesting discussion to follow.

Create a Twitter Account

Before you sign up
Your profile on Twitter is public, so it is important for you to consider how you want to be represented and viewed by the world before you sign up.
Consider your profile 
  • Twitter handle: Your Twitter handle, or user name, can say just as much about who you are as it does about why you are on Twitter. Try to create a Twitter handle that is unique and catchy, in addition to being easy to remember and spell so others can connect with you. Keep in mind that it is public, so you may not want to use your full name.
  • Profile picture: Make sure the profile picture you use represents exactly who you want to be on Twitter. For example, If your motivation for using Twitter is for networking with other professionals, then a photo of you partying at Mardi Gras isn’t appropriate. If protecting your privacy is important, then you may want to use agraphic avatar in place of a personal photo. However, you should keep in mind that Twitter is about relationships, and some people might not feel as connected to company logos and graphics.
  • Profile bio: Your bio can include a quick, one- or two-line description of who you are. Because space is at a premium, descriptive text that uses powerful imagery can paint a unique picture of who you are. Some people create bios with contradictory words in order to be humorous, informational, and memorable with very little said. If you are promoting yourself or a business, you may want to include your web address or other contact information, but keep in mind that this information is public to everyone on the Web.
  • Who you follow and lists: Others can also see who you follow and the lists you create, so you may want to be selective about who you choose to follow. Twitter feeds that are racist, sexist, inappropriate, or otherwise polarizing can reflect poorly on you. Avoiding controversial feeds is especially important if you are networking professionally or looking for a job.
Think before sharing
As with all social media sites, you should assume that everything you post is public and accessible to anyone forever. Twitter is great for sharing and connecting, but it's not so great for private or extremely personal communication. Twitter does allow you to set privacy for your tweets, protecting them from being seen by anyone other than the followers you have approved to view them. However, any of your approved followers can retweet one of your tweets, thereby making it public, so your protection is limited.
To create an account:
  1. Go to www.twitter.com.
  2. Locate the New to Twitter? box. Enter your full nameemail address, and desired password into the form. As with all online services, it's important to choose a a strong password—in other words, it should be difficult for someone else to guess but easy for you to remember. Visit Passwords: The First Step to Safetyin our Internet Safety tutorial for more information.
  3. Click the Sign up for Twitter button.
  1. form will appear. You will need to confirm your information and choose a user name that hasn't already been taken.
  2. Uncheck the box next to Tailor Twitter based on my recent website visits if you do not want Twitter to access your browsing history.
  3. Read through the Terms of Service, then click Create my account.
  1. The Twitter welcome page will appear. This page will help you set up your account. Click Next to continue.
  1. You can now start choosing who to follow. A list of people you can follow will appear. You must choose five people to follow before clicking Next.
  1. Twitter will also suggest people to follow based on your interests. To continue, select five people to follow, then click Next.
  1. Optional: You can automatically find people you know by selecting a service you use, like an email account. For example, if you have a Gmail account, Twitter can look for your Gmail contacts who are already using Twitter. Click Skip this step at the bottom of the page if you would like to do this later.
  1. Optional: You can add a profile picture and bio to your account. If you feel comfortable with this process, you can upload a photo now or you can Skip this step. We will explain how to customize your profile later in the lesson.
  1. Your new Twitter homepage will appear.
To confirm your email address:
At this point, Twitter will send a confirmation email to the email address you provided. Before you can access all of Twitter's features, you'll need to confirm your email address.
  1. Sign in to your email account.
  2. Open the confirmation message from Twitter: "Confirm your Twitter account, user name!"
  3. Click the link to confirm your account.
  1. Your Twitter homepage will open. You now have full access to Twitter, and all future notifications will be sent to the email address you provided.

Like any form of online communication, it's important to practice good etiquetteand safety when using email. Etiquette is a set of rules and guidelines that people use to communicate more effectively. You should also know how to protect yourself from certain risks, like malware or phishing.

Email attachment etiquette
Attachments are an easy way to share files, photos, and more, but many people aren't aware of some of the most common attachment mistakes. Be sure to follow these basic rules when including attachments in your emails:
  • Mention included attachments
    Never attach a file without mentioning it in the body of your email. Something as simple as "I've attached a few photos to this email" will help your recipients know what to expect. On the other hand, make sure that attachments you mention are actually included with the message—it's easy to focus on your message and forget to include the file itself. We recommend attaching any files before you start writing.
  • Consider file size and format
    Avoid sending excessively large attachments or uncompressed photos, which can take a long time for your recipients to download. You can always ZIP or compress files to make them easier to send over the Web. Additionally, make sure your attachments don't need to be viewed in a specific application—use universal file types like .PDF, .RTF, or .JPG.
  • Only include related files
    If you need to send a lot of different files to the same person, consider sending the attachments through multiple emails. If you include several unrelated files in the same email, it can be difficult for your recipients to find the exact file they need.

Using email in business
Whether you're using email at work or applying for a job, the normal rules of email etiquette still apply. However, there are a few additional considerations to keep in mind, as business emails can affect your professional reputation.

Email safety
Email is not totally secure, so you should avoid sending sensitive information, such as credit card numbers,passwords, or your Social Security Number. In addition, you may receive emails from scammers andcybercriminals, so you'll need to know how to deal with those messages. Here are a few things to watch out for:
  • Spam: Spam is another term for junk email or unwanted email advertisements. It's best to ignore or delete these messages. Luckily, most email services offer some protection, such as spam filtering.
  • Phishing: Certain emails pretend to be from a bank ortrusted source in order to steal your personal information. It's easy for someone to create an email that looks like it's from a specific business. Be especially cautious of any emails requesting an urgent response.
  • Attachments: Some email attachments can contain virusesand other malware. It's generally safest not to open any attachment that you weren't expecting. If a friend sends you an attachment, you may want to ask if he or she meant to send it before downloading.
Now that you've finished exploring Email 101, you can:
  • Get your own email account. It's easy to get a free email account from any major webmail provider, such as Yahoo!Outlook.com, or Gmail.
  • Learn how to use a specific email client. Our Gmail tutorial will provide step-by-step instructions for sending, receiving, and managing your email.
  • Check out our Beyond Email tutorial. If you're ready to explore other ways of talking and sharing online, go to our Beyond Email tutorial to learn about instant messagingvideo chattext messaging,social networkingblogging, and more.

Download Google SketchUp Pro 8.0 + Serial Number Full Version - AnthzoBlog. SketchUp merupakan software untuk para desain, khususnya robotik. Gua kurang paham bagaimana cara mengoperasikannya, karena software ini gua dapetin dari teman yang bagian desain robotik.
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No matter which email service you choose, you'll need to learn how to interact with an email interface, including the inbox, the Message pane, and the Compose pane. Depending on the email provider, the interfaces may look and feel different, but they all function in essentially the same way.
In this lesson, we'll talk about using an email interface to send and receive messages. We'll also discuss various termsactions, and features that are commonly used when working with email.

Understanding the email interface
Below are some examples of different email interfaces from Gmail. Review the images below to become familiar with various email interfaces.
Keep in mind that these examples will only provide a general overview. You can visit our Gmail tutorial to learn how to use an email application in detail.

The inbox is where you'll view and manage emails you receive. Emails are listed with the name of the sender, the subject of the message, and the date received.

Message pane
When you select an email in the inbox, it will open in the Message pane. From here, you can read the message and choose how to respond with a variety of commands. 

Compose pane
You can click the Compose or New button from your inbox to open the Compose pane to create your own email message. From here, you'll need to enter the recipient's email address and a subject. You'll also have the option to upload files (photos, documents, etc.) as attachments and add formatting to the message. 
A Compose pane will also appear when you select Reply or Forward. The text from the original message will be copied into the Compose pane.

Common email terms and actions
All email applications use certain terms and commands that you will need to understand before using email. The examples below use Gmail's Compose pane and Message pane to introduce basic email terms, but these will still be applicable for Yahoo! or Outlook.com.
Click the buttons in the interactive below to learn more about the Compose pane.
Click the buttons in the interactive below to learn more about the Message pane.

Do you ever feel like the only person who doesn't use email? You don't have to feel left out. More than ever, email is easy to understand and use.
In this lesson, you will learn what email is, how it compares to traditional mail, and how email addresses are written. We'll also discuss various types of email providers and the features and tools they include with an email account.

Getting to know email
You may know that email (electronic mail) is a way to send and receive messages across the Internet, but do you know how individual emails are sent, or what they cost, or how email compares to traditional "snail" mail? To get a better idea of what email is all about, review the infographic below and consider how you might benefit from its use.

Understanding email addresses
To receive emails, you will need an email account and an email address. Also, if you want to send emails to other people, you will need to obtain their email addresses. It's important to learn how to write email addresses correctly, because if you do not enter them exactly right your emails will not be delivered or might be delivered to the wrong person. 
Email addresses are always written in a standard format that includes a username, the (at) symbol, and the email provider's domain. The username is the name you choose to identify yourself, and the email provider is the website that hosts your email account.
Review the graphic for examples of how email addresses are written. 

About email providers
In the past, people usually received an email account from the same companies that provided their Internet access. For example, if AOL provided your Internet connection, you'd have an AOL email address. While this is still true for some people, today it's increasingly common to use a free web-based email service, also known as webmail. Anyone can use these services, no matter who provides their Internet access.
Webmail providers
Today, the top three webmail providers are Yahoo!, Microsoft's Outlook.com(previously Hotmail), and Google's Gmail. These providers are popular because they allow you to access your email account from anywhere with an Internet connection. You can also access webmail on your mobile device.
Visit the links below to compare the features of the three top webmail providers:
Other email providers
Many people also have an email address hosted by their company, school, or organization. These email addresses are usually for professional purposes. For example, the people who work for this website have email addresses that end with@gcflearnfree.org. If you are part of an organization that hosts your email, they'll show you how to access it.
Many hosted web domains end with a suffix other than .com. Depending on the organization, your provider's domain might end with a suffix like .gov (for government websites), .edu (for schools), .mil (for military branches), or .org (for nonprofit organizations).

Information management software
Many companies and organizations use an information management application, like Microsoft Outlook, for communicating and managing their email. This software can be used with any email provider, but is most commonly used by organizations that host their own email.
Visit our Outlook 2010 tutorial to learn more about using this application.

Email productivity features
In addition to email access, webmail providers also offer various tools and features. These features are part of a productivity suite—a set of applications that help you work, communicate, and stay organized. The tools offered will vary by provider, but all major webmail services offer the following features:
  • Instant messaging, or chat, which lets you have text-based conversations with other users; check out our Beyond Emaillesson to learn more about the basics of instant messaging
  • An online address book, where you can store contact information for the people you contact frequently
  • An online calendar to help organize your schedule and share that schedule with others
  • public profile that contains your name and basic contact information
In addition, each provider offers some unique features. For instance, when you sign up for Gmail you gain access to a full range of Google services, including Google DriveGoogle Docs, and more. Hotmail, on the other hand, offers connectivity with SkyDrive and Microsoft Office Web Apps. You can visit our tutorials on Google Drive and Docs andSkyDrive to learn more.

Getting started with email
You should now have a good understanding of what email is all about. Over the next few lessons, we will continue to cover essential email basics, etiquette, and safety tips.
When you're ready, you can try one or both of the following:

Get your own email account:
If you want to sign up for your own email account, we suggest choosing from one of the three major webmail providers.
Follow the links below to sign up for an email account:
Learn how to use an email program:
Keep in mind that Email 101 will not show you how to use a specific email account. For that, you will need to visit our Gmailtutorial. It's a useful course for learning the basics, even if you ultimately end up choosing an email provider other than Gmail, such as Yahoo! or Outlook.com. There, you will learn how to:
  • Sign up for an email account
  • Navigate and get to know the email interface
  • Compose, manage, and respond to email
  • Set up email on a mobile device
Beyond email: More ways to talk online
Once you've completed the lessons in this topic, you may wish to explore other popular ways of communicating and sharing online. Check out our Beyond Email topic to learn more about online chattext messagingvideo chatsocial networking, and more.

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